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June 25, 2013

In each area, there is usually a symbol that identifies the areas. Like the Banyumas regency, in Banyumas district also there whose name is a symbol kabupatenyang course contains a variety of implied meaning of the symbol.

Coat Regional
1. Leaf emblem
and therein berlukiskan round from top to bottom, symbolizing determination communities in Banyumas region in which we operate are holy, participated in the Indonesian national revolution in the pursuit of the ideals of the nation that is fair and prosperous society based on Pancasila.

Slamet a.Gunung
Gray (gray) or black with a blue background at the top and green on the bottom side.
SLAMET NAME: reflects the expectations of the people in Banyumas district in particular and Indonesia in general throughout the region in order to continue to survive in this world and hereafter by the term in accordance with Pancasila.
MOUNTAIN SLAMET: illustrated very majestic towering into the sky, describe the majesty and courage possessed and practiced by human communities in Banyumas. On the mountain there are dense forests that need to be kept verdant, given the function of forests for local (karana feet) which are: climatological, hydrological, orologis, sociological, economic, strategic, aesthetic, sanitair.
b.Sungai Serayu
Lies crosswise in yellow gold plated three row bounded by four of the waves are black.
SERAYU NAME: reflects the expectations of the people in Banyumas Indonesia in particular and all in general, in order to constantly RAHAYU or congratulations.
SERAYU RIVER WATER: very useful for pertaniandan production efforts as well as efforts for the welfare of other Banyumas and surrounding communities. Described triple wave means that the river flows in three ex Kawedanan namely Banyumas, Sokaraja, Jatilawang.
c.Seludang (Mancung)
Manggar brown and yellow gold are 10-point mark young coconuts (bluluk) putih.kuning colored and entirely located on the bottom left. Banyumas is coconut sugar producer and is the source of one of the people satuusaha.
d.Setangkai / twig cloves
With five stalks which bear seeds, clove brown / yellow gold which is located in the bottom right hemisphere. Fruitful five defined Pancasila. Banyumas is a substantial producer of cloves.
Rojak e.Gada Polo
Segmented black five, suburban paintings in it is yellow segment boundary. Werkudara Raden is the nature of the weapon warrior, valiant fighting spirit and strongly held by the Banyumas who reminded the leaders and fighters Banyumas. Raden Werkudara cablaka is honest and who is also the nature of the Banyumas.
f.Sebatang banyan tree
Banyan tree which has six tendrils and foliage in the form of three layers of waves which is a series of 24 arc with formation of inside-out 4.6, and 14 of which are white in color and is located in the center of the shadow (behind mace salad polo). Meaningful guidance, justice, and truth be cultivated and Banyumas society ideals.
Contains the meaning of 1966 and also means that the sense of a harmonious society is a gateway to enter the region or country is hoping to citakan.Ditulis with Latin letters on the gold-colored base shadow shaped as a black ribbon with golden yellow pleats.
Regional name "REGIONAL DISTRICT BANYUMAS" written with Latin letters yellow gold on a base shaped red ribbon pleats yellow gold.
3.Pengapit emblem
a.Sebelah left: 17 sprigs grain seed (golden yellow)
b.Sebelah right: mulberry twigs 8 (berpelisir green yellow gold, eight strand fruit / fruit red and golden yellow and golden yellow stems)
Describing and meaningful welfare and prosperity of the people. Blend of mulberry and rice salad polo mace symbolizes the next day the people of Banyumas towards a just and prosperous society is blessed by God Almighty. A blend of seventeen grain seed, mulberry leaves, eight, and four wave line segmented five mace is a historic date figures, Indonesian Independence Day, August 17, 1945.
4.The mean of color image motif emblem for the area
a.Blue: peace, light
b.Black: eternity, constancy, loyal, consistent
c.Yellow gold: purity and quality elevation, nobility
d.Green: fertility, prosperity
e.Red: courage, dynamics
f.White: chastity, honesty


Perihal: Diterbitkan oleh: pada pukul 6/25/2013 08:14:00 PM WIB

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