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September 04, 2012

Shadow puppets gagrag Banyumasan is one style shadow puppet performances or referred to as an art pakeliran Klangenan with positive values ​​are maintained everlasting. Pakeliran includes elements of drama, chess are also musicians.

Pakeliran Gagrag Banyumasan populist temperament according to the character and behavior of citizens are, honest and straightforward and reside in the ex-residency of Banyumas. This is different from the style pakeliran in other affected areas such as the area around the palace culture of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.

Pakeliran gagrag gagrag Banyumasan got influence from Yogyakarta and Surakarta, but has a particular characteristic. With the addition of
Bawor characters and songs Kembang Lempang and gending Banyumasan  art.

Gagrag puppetry art Banyumasan then standardized on 21 April 1979 by experts in the puppetry
ganasidi community in Kawedanan Bukateja.

Until now many puppeteers who preserve this art
pakeliran gagrag Banyumasan. Some examples include puppeteers in Banyumas gagrag Ki Sugino Siswo Carito  and Ki Kukuh Bayu Aji.

* source:

Perihal: Diterbitkan oleh: pada pukul 9/04/2012 08:08:00 PM WIB

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