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Harap Tunggu Proses Memuat Konten Halaman

June 19, 2013

Kudi or kudhi is a toolto split or cut work hard object, such as a machete. As a machete, kudi has only one sharp edge, slightly curved shaped like sickles but the base enlarged. Kudi a moreslender shape can be used as a weapon. Weapons Cleaver considered the development of kudi. Originally the word"Cleaver" is supposedly a "kudi hyang" or "belonging kudi god"). Bagong puppet characters Banyumas versions, called Bawor, described as wearing kudi handle weapons (suspicious). By the Banyumas, kudi is considered as one of the cultural identity

Perihal: Diterbitkan oleh: pada pukul 6/19/2013 01:37:00 PM WIB
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