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Harap Tunggu Proses Memuat Konten Halaman

May 28, 2014

Karangdadap Village, precisely in the border districts Kalibagor RT 09 RW 04 and rt 06 rw 04, there is a well-shaped shower. Tea is still issuing water even in the dry season.
reputedly once used in the shower for some ritual baths, ancient Javanese ritual in particular. In the current era, the ritual has been eliminated because the local people have embraced Islam that forbids such rituals.
However, the source of the shower is still to be cared for by a family of ancestors who built this bygone era wells. if there is anyone else who dared to clean up its water source, the water will not flow again until the descendants of families who fix it again.

After many years, showers only shaped gutters are connected to a water source, s...

Perihal: Diterbitkan oleh: pada pukul 5/28/2014 02:13:00 PM WIB
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