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Harap Tunggu Proses Memuat Konten Halaman

November 12, 2012

Ebeg an art form of dance that uses puppets Banyumas area horse made of woven bamboo. Ebeg dance in Banyumas describe a warrior on horseback. Dance depicting the valor exhibited by players Ebeg.

Estimated Ebeg art has been around since ancient times exactly when humans began to embrace the flow of animism and dynamism. One of the corroboration Ebeg the ranks of the old art forms are there in a trance (mendem) or wuru. Such forms are characteristic of the art that was born in the days of animism and dynamism.


In a presentation Ebeg going through a unique scene that is usually placed in the middle of the show. Places such as known in terms Banyumasan mendhem (in trance). Players will be possessed and start doing unique attractions. Forms of attraction such as: eating Beling or broken glass, eat immature leaves, eating chicken is still alive, acting like monkeys, snakes, and others.

Musical instrument

Performing Ebeg usually accompanied by a musical instrument called Bendhe. This instrument has physical features like gong but the smaller size made of metal.

Recent developments

Due to the development of culture in Banyumas and orentasi an art show as well in the early stages is a means of ritual has bergesear the performing arts business, improvement in Ebeg was soon done. Structuring the Ebeg which may include forms of accompaniment, smoothing dance, costumes or properties performed by many artists Banyumas.

Perihal: Diterbitkan oleh: pada pukul 11/12/2012 09:55:00 PM WIB

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