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September 18, 2012

"Tugu" panembahan Songgo Walik (from north)
In a district in Banyumas regency, precisely in the district Kalibagor, Karangdadap village there is a hilly area called Mount Waru. A hill near the border village of Karangdadap, Pekaja and Kaliori besides offering panoramic views, there is also a sacred petilasan the story.

"Tugu" Panembahan (from south)

According to locals, the place is a mountain peak Slamet trimmed by Mbah Anoman. So the summit of Mount Slamet now look more flat. According to the story, too, is supposedly where the Earth or navel Navel Mount Slamet. If bad things happen on Mount Slamet, the residents around the mountain hills Waru expected to go up to the mountain top waru for General fire safety, so his story.

South Landscape

Mount Waru actually named Songgo Walik, because there are a Songgo used (fruit picking tool) but are reversed, ie the base of woven bamboo. If you think children are now housed in the vicinity of Mount Waru, they call Mount Waru as the Mountain of Love from the word hibiscus (heart) refers to love.

West Landscape

On the slopes of the hill, there is a single pillar mosque is Single Soko  Baitul Ikhlas mosque Mincluded in RT.09/04 region.

To access perbukita region, visitors can take Banyumas-Purwokerto road, then headed Suwarjono Street and around the corner "L" is the road leading to the border of the village, go to the south, to the printing area of red brick and then continues to rise. Hopefully helpful, thank you.

Perihal: Diterbitkan oleh: pada pukul 9/18/2012 03:30:00 AM WIB

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